
Previous: The ‘Art of Thinking’ about Banksy, LCB Depot, 23rd May 6.00

Philosopher Dr Greg Scorzo


The artist Banksy has a reputation for being one of the pre-eminent iconoclasts of the 21st century art world. With his anti-establishment stencil graffiti, sardonic sense of humour, and obsessive aversion to celebrity, Banksy has created a reputation for himself as one of the pre-eminent boundary pushers of the 21st century art world. But does his reputation itself suggest Banksy is now part of the establishment? His work has now been embraced by the Art Market and sells for astronomical amounts. Much of the politics in Bansky’s recent work is relatively mainstream. You could argue his critiques of Western Society wouldn’t be out of place in the Guardian. He is regularly praised by both the BBC and Brad Pitt. This raises the question: Is Banksy still edgy, or is he what the mainstream establishment would like us to believe is edgy?

Watch clips, listen to a talk, have some discussion led by the entertaining and insightful philosopher, Dr Greg Scorzo.

Tickets available through Eventbrite 
Tickets also available on the door.
Cafe / Bar open before the talk but will then close.

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