
PREVIOUS: The ‘Art of Thinking’ about Bronco Bullfrog, Phoenix Arts, Leicester, June 26th, 6.30pm

Philosopher Dr Greg Scorzo will be running a free post-screening talk and discussion.
Film starts at 6.30pm at Phoenix Arts 

“A rude, bracing slice of East End life” – Guardian

This underseen classic of sixties British cinema charts the story of Del (Walker), a young apprentice, and his 15 year-old girlfriend Irene (Gooding) who have no money and nowhere to go.

Angry and frustrated, they go in search of fun and freedom and turn to ‘Bronco Bullfrog’, a boy fresh out of borstal and living an independent lifestyle.

The film “beautifully depicts that aimless, yearning, bored time of your life when you’re 15, living on a council estate in the ’60s, bound by all the rules that were hangovers from the ’50s” (British Film Institute).

Part of Leicesters ReVive Festival

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